Without Walls
Partners: The Mighty Creatives (Leicester, England) and Werkhaus e.V. (Krefeld)
Image © The Mighty Creatives
“After a successful transnational collaboration last year, we’re excited to continue working together again on our new project, Without Walls. We’ll be bringing together young people from Krefeld, Germany and Leicester, UK to co-create two immersive exhibitions in each of our home cities. Through the power of arts, culture and creativity, we hope to empower young people to create and lead with purpose – and shape the future through creativity, inspiring lasting change in our communities."
The Mighty Creatives and Werkhaus e.V.
Without Walls is a Tier Two partnership previously supported by Cultural Bridge. Find out more about the Tier One partnership.
About the partners
The Mighty Creatives is an award-winning charity providing creative youth services for those who too often go unheard. Our vision is to fight for Social Justice for young people through arts, culture and creativity. We are renowned for leading strategic partnerships, engaging stakeholders and undertaking research and evaluation. We have a skilled and knowledgeable board and staff team who have considerable expertise and experience in the fields of education, culture, youth engagement and co-production. We hold strong partnerships across the region and can deliver tried and tested, scalable programmes that contribute to positive and lasting transformation for children and young people.
The Werkhaus e.V. co-operates with local partners and initiatives and involves, addresses and reaches people from all social classes, different age groups and nationalities. Werkhaus e.V. in Krefeld runs a Cultural Centre, a Centre for Child and Youth Work, a Centre for Cultural Youth Education, an Education Centre and a Neighbourhood House. Werkhaus e.V. is a member of several umbrella organisations and national working groups e.g. Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für eine andere Weiterbildung NRW e. V. (LAAW), LKD, Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kulturpädagogische Dienste / Jugendkunstschulen NRW, Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband. We want to analyse and further develop which focuses on the concerns of disadvantaged children. Questions of social disadvantage, poverty and disability flow into our cultural work; and the art and cultural work created with children is channelled back into wider urban society. Practical expertise is also given by education workers from the Werkhaus Children’s Centre who work in co-operation with Youth Welfare Office.
Image © The Mighty Creatives