Dance Ability Bridge

Partners: Dylan Quinn Dance Dance Theatre (Enniskillen, Northern Ireland) and unperform e.V. (Bremen)

Image © unperform e.V., Anna Anheuser

“The proposed project is creating an opportunity for the two independent creative organisations to engage in a first stage creative exploration that will provide the foundations for future development opportunities. It will bring together members of the community with learning disabilities from Germany and the UK in a creative dance experience that will provide for new cultural experiences and expressions.”

Dylan Quinn Dance Dance Theatre and unperform e.V.

About the partners

Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre is committed to creating and presenting original professional dance experiences that place social issues and themes at their heart.

The company seeks to articulate what it means to be a professional artistic organisation located in the heart of a rural community, connecting local and international creativity.

Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre aims to support the development of a critical reflective practice, whilst establishing partnerships and collaborations that enhance capacity and skills.

Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre works with people in communities around the company base developing open and respectful partnership projects, it develops and delivers a blend of introductory and long term participatory projects that include strong evaluative processes.

Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre brings together participatory and performance programmes under one roof creating a valuable creative resource embedded in its locale.

unperform is an independent artists' collective that produces and develops in the field of performing arts and is organized as a non-profit registered association. unperformers work professionally in the fields of theater, dance, performance, music and everything in between. In terms of content, the group deals with current socially relevant and political issues.
Regardless of social class, level of education and cultural background, the aim is to address people who are entering a theater for the first time, as well as specialist audiences. Art can only make a lasting change if all levels of society are reached.
unperform aims to work as sustainably, inclusively and participation-oriented as possible.

Image © Dylan Quinn Dance