Collaborative blog writing about our cultural exchanges between North Wales and Emsland district of Lower Saxony, Germany.
'For us, bringing together video art scenes from two different regions constitutes an important gesture. Thanks to the intangible quality of video art, which enables its dissemination beyond city...
Listen to the brand new Cement Fields podcast in the inaugural episode exploring their partnership with Floating University Berlin.
'Wir konnten in der Zeit viel über die Gründe und die Methodik der Workshop-Arbeit und des Maskeneinsatzes bei Geese-Theatre lernen und die auch in kurzer Zeit erreichten Effekte bei den...
Watch the short film produced by MINCE e.V. and Miss Lulu Creates exploring meaningful conversations about the Black marginalized experience through dance and storytelling.
'The exchange will ensure we go forward with a renewed sense of the value and potential of our work - and of international collaboration - and has offered a valuable platform to connect and inspire...
'This work is the meeting of our two practices and our mutual passion for bringing formal experimentation to participatory contexts. Produced Moon have worked with young people at Platform for many...
'As we look ahead, we believe in the importance and the potential of cultural exchanges across borders. These exchanges are not just opportunities for collaboration—they are vital acts of...
'It was the first time we had all been in a room together. We were all, understandably, a bit nervous and shy, particularly with a language barrier and not knowing how we all liked to work. But as...
'The Shake creates an opportunity to reflect on what connects and unites us rather than what divides us. The exhibition offers a space to explore how we can peacefully co-exist together and with...
Poetry of changing perspectives in the first exchange between Tortoise in a Nutshell and TheatreGrueneSosse
'Today I’m walking from the centre of town to Sonnenberg, an area east of the centre that was originally built in the 1900s as a working-class district to alleviate housing shortages, and that...
'The rehearsal was like no other we have had at Geese. The cast sat on chairs arranged in a circle under trees, rolling cigarettes and sunbathing while reciting lines from The Threepenny Opera with...
Can we tell stories through the history of a meal or the history of land to illustrate that society is structured differently today than in the past? Yet even today we live in each other’s shadows...
Gewonnen: Sicherheit im Austausch, im Vermitteln: Zu merken, es ist möglich. Berührungsängste gehen. Grenzen gehen. Das gibt Sicherheit. Jede:r hat Raum. Teilhaben am Alltag der anderen macht,...
'We focus on exploring communities – those from the immediate neighbourhood or those of an international art world – through the garden or greenspace.'
'We’re reminded rapidly of the power of language and the baggage – if not freight – it carries. We find ourselves reaching for words and terms which come from the depths of our memories and...